The Magazine For Those Of Us Who Won't Just Lay Down And Die!

With ingenuity, with preparation, with creativity, with determination, with inventiveness, and with faith, we will overcome!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Evangelical Christian Threat

Two days ago, I read an article in a newsletter that I've mentioned before in my blogging, World News Daily.  The article spoke of the fact that our own military is or was being trained to see evangelical Christians as the number one terrorist threat to the United States of America!  What?  What?  Have you lost your corporate mind?  Also included on the list were Jews, Catholics, and various Moslem groups, Hindus, and Mormons  not necessarily in that order, but farther down the list.  Can you believe that?  I was incensed, to say the least.

Apparently, someone called them on it, and an apology was offered, although they claimed it was a mistake, and was never intended to have happened that way.  Uh huh...  I think it's clear that that statement was a lie, eh?  This comes not too long after my best friend, BO, named a Moslem to be the new Secretary of Defense.  Did you know that?  Amazing, no?

The blatant manner in which BO and his goons are conducting themselves and the negligent manner in which the "professional" media ignore, aid, and abed those criminals is...  criminal.  All should quickly become the newest denizens of our newest penitentiaries.   That from BO to CNN CEOs.  All should go to jail, or worse, for their many crimes.

What do you think?  What do you suspect will happen in the course of the year?  Next year?  Five years?

Just asking, my friends!  Here's the link:


Dos dias pasado, leí un artículo que toco en la tema de un documento ofícial de entrenimiento del militar Estadounidense que estuvo una lista de enemigos del estado.  En el lugar principal, numero uno, primero, estuvo cristianos evangelicos!  Todo el mundo a visto como han conducido sus vidas de ellos. Mayormente an vivido de manera muy sano, santo y muy similar al Señor Jesucristo.  Si, es verdad, no todos han vivido así, pero mayormente no existen rasones para llorar sobre ellos.  Es el principio de la persicución de la iglesia, el Armageddon?

La lista tambien incluyó catálicos, judios, indues, musulmanes, mormones y otros.  Pues, los cristianos tienen buenos ayudadores en sus actos del terrorismo, no?  La gran mayoria de las Americas son Católicos, especialmente desde la frontera el EEUU hasta Tierra del Fuego!  Bien venidos a nuestro grupito, hermanos Católicos!

Algunos cristianos gritaron a los idiotas entrenando al ejército y dijeron que era un accidente, lo siento.  Mentira!  Mentira!  El gran BO (Barack O-algo) quiere desarmar al pueblo del EEUU para controlarles por completo, pero van a aprender una leccion muy importante y doloroso - que somos soldados que vamos a proteger a nuestro Constitución y pelear contra el comunismo presentado en la cara de BO, lo quien no es legalmente el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America!

Aqui es la link:

Dios le Bendiga, hermanos!



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