The Magazine For Those Of Us Who Won't Just Lay Down And Die!

With ingenuity, with preparation, with creativity, with determination, with inventiveness, and with faith, we will overcome!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Raising Queen Bees of Your Own

Here are two excellent videos, or maybe three, on how to set up and raise your own queen honeybees.  This is an excellent thing for most anyone to take up, being a beekeeper, that is.  If you have any doubts about being able to do something like this, put them to rest, as beekeeping is NOT a hard skill to learn.  Mastering the art of beekeeping is another thing altogether, but in that it takes years to do.  I am NO master beekeeper at this point.  I have kept bees for quite a few years at this point, but have never done it with great gusto.

At this point, I feel that it is something that I MUST master - one of those skills that may become extremely important and valuable in a short while.  I plan to learn how to build my own equipment completely from scratch, from any lumber or wood that is available.  I want to try to track down, or create, all the hand tools that I might need to be able to build beehive parts from any kind of wood.  It could be that we sustain EMP attacks, that would reduce us to 1800s-type technology.  I hope that's not the case, but I want to be ready to handle it well, if it happens.

So check out the Fat Bee Man's videos.  They are really informative and helpful!

Don't be afraid!  Dive in and learn about beekeeping while you're doing it.  That is the best way!



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