The Magazine For Those Of Us Who Won't Just Lay Down And Die!

With ingenuity, with preparation, with creativity, with determination, with inventiveness, and with faith, we will overcome!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Latest

So, nothing much new to report on the preparations side of life.  We really haven’t made any amazing new preparations, save the planting of numerous gardens, and watching many of our seedlings wither and die while still in the seed trays, but hey, it was fun planting them!

The bunny farm is still in heavy production.  That is a good thing, I suppose.  Enthusiasm for Dad’s crazy projects seems to be waining, if there ever was any enthusiasm???  It’s hard to find words to express the depths of frustration felt by yours truly over this topic.  They love to eat, but…  They love to eat, but…  Oh, I just mentioned that, didn’t I?  I suppose I was much the same when young, and living in Michigan.

It would be interesting to have a voluminous gaggle of followers to my two blogs, what with the probable comments and considerations that would surely follow from the followers.  I should think it would be fun???  One day, perhaps.

Speaking of survival, my friend’s daughter got married just the other day.  She, the 20-year-old, married a fellow she went to school with.  The lad is in the Air Force, an aviation mechanic, and a fine young man.  I was initially shocked to find that he had proposed, and even more so, that she, at her tender, young age, had accepted.  I had always envisioned her marrying my older son.  I believe that my shock was quite obvious to both of them and somewhat put them off.  I recovered, eventually, and have accepted the situation as the obvious will of my God - so be it.  The boy will just have to find another young lovely to call his own.  As for my opinion of the new groom, what does it matter, though if she chose him, then he’s got to be a keeper.

So how about those Reds?  I believe they are doing quite well this year, so far.  Give it time.

When, oh when, does teenage angst come to an end?  That is the question of the hour.  We still have three, you see.  Three.  Autofocus is the word of the moment.  Autofocus = teenagers.  I look forward to the day, may God speed it on it’s way, when my offspring are outward focused.  That will be a fine day, indeed.

I wish that my kids were more into the things that I’m into.  To some extent, and depending on the individual, they think it’s bunk.

Have you noticed how teenagers, if they are not outright defying you, seem to be consummate masters of lip-service?  They are amazing.  The ability to look you right in the eye, say yes, and not for one second mean it - that’s amazing.  It’s almost like a gift that they possess.

So what do all these things have to do with survival?  Well, procreation of the species, and subterfuge...

That’s all I can yammer on about this evening.  I can’t stay awake any longer.



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