The Magazine For Those Of Us Who Won't Just Lay Down And Die!

With ingenuity, with preparation, with creativity, with determination, with inventiveness, and with faith, we will overcome!

Monday, July 9, 2012

My Astounding Trip

Ah, Canada!  Or, Oh, Canada!

I've recently returned from an amazing trip to some of the most astounding fishing I've ever heard of.  Imagine catching one five pound Smallmouth bass after another till your arms ache! That was the scene for our entire party of five, for eight days!  Not only bass, both Large and Small-mouth, but lunker Walleyes, Northern Pike, and Lake Trout.  It was a trip to remember forever.

I'll be posting pics of some of our catch when the files arive.  You'll be amazed.  Unfortunately, I've been sworn to secrecy regarding our whereabouts.  Canada is a huge place, no?

